Always believed one need not help others only with monetary funds. Feel it is equally same sponsoring food for less privileged children or spending quality time with them. Being courteous is also of good help to our fellow living beings - moving inside the bus where ever possible instead of standing in the way blocking others to get in to a crowded bus, giving our seat to who are less able to stand if we can, saving water so that it may help some other who has less access make the possibility to get it, etc.
Recently seen an incident which inspired me to write this blog. I went to a temple, and outside the main deity worship place, an old man was serving small bits of paper to every one who were coming out. This need not require any money, but felt it is of great help. Most of us would need this at that time to have the sacred ash and kumkum to share it with our loved ones.
There is nothing like small help or big help, help is a help. Thanks to the man who have reinstated me with this thought, and I'll also be helpful where ever possible and in which ever small way.
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