Monday, 23 February 2009

Oscar Rahman :)

Feb 22nd - AR Rahman got 2 oscar awards for his work in a movie 'Slumdog Millionaire'.

I have already seen this film, I liked the film when I saw first. What makes this film very different to achieve so many milestones? Truth is apart from being very real, the reach of this movie.

There has been a debate that there are even better movies than this one made in Indian cinema, ARR has scored even better music than this before, this is being reaching heights only because this is a British film, even I think sometimes the same. But immediately, then next questions comes in my mind, yes this has gathered attention because of a British director, if it can get attention to the truly deserving people, what is wrong in that?

We are thinking AR Rahman has composed better music before, this might be because we are now used to this master piece. I read in one of my friend's orkut status, West is experiencing for the first time what we have been doing for so long. Thats the way to sum it up.

Congrats ARR, and let this be just the start of a long journey. And also thanks to have brought the sense of proudness among the Indians to make every one tell my fellow country men have won an oscar.


Shrinivas said...

I read that the sense of hope and optimism this movie gives is what Americans currently require as they are facing severe recession. Sounds true.

The Maverick Blog said...

Jai Ho to Rahman!!!

But seriously SDM is a very ordinary masala movie... I feel Curious Case of Benjamin Button was faaaaaaar better (though its fiction... But cheers to Rahman!!